Terms of Conditions


MAKE T-SHIRT TOGETHER(“MTT”或“ 我們 ”)授權世界藝術家通過我們將其作品立即印製並銷售各種產品並讓他們的作品中獲利 – 但不放棄對他們作品權利的控制。 藝術家首先要先了解其作品質素和互相尊重的重要性,我們也相信所有MTT戶都必須尊重他人的版權和其他知識產權。 無論是藝術家,客戶,還是你只是瀏覽本網站,請尊重你在MTT上看到或購買的所有作品的知識產權。

注意,當你將作品發佈到MTT網站時,代表你已承擔法律責任,並且不會通過出版或出售你的作品通過銷售來威懾任何人的權利或破壞任何法律。因為你的作品將公開給全世界查看或銷售。MTT提供一系列服務使你能夠通過maketshirttogether.co / maketshirttogether.com (“ 網站 ”)發布,出售,推廣和購買藝術品和藝術相關產品(統稱為“ 產品 ” ); 與其他MTT戶互動; 並獲得 MTT 產品生產服務的好處,包括付款處理,交易處理,產品製造,包裝,訂單履行和客戶支持。

請仔細閱讀這些服務條款 (“ 條款 ”)和 MTT 的隱私政策(“ 隱私政策 ”)。 在你通過 MTT 服務發佈內容或使用或銷售產品之前,你必須同意條款和隱私政策 。 這些條款和隱私政策是你與 MTT 之間的法律協議。 通過我們的服務建立帳戶或購買產品表明你同意這些條款和隱私政策中的所有條款和條件,以及有關社群MTT(包括本網站)的所有其他規則,政策可能會不時發佈及改動。

“ 你 ”是指你個人,並且如果你代表公司或其他法人實體接受這些條款,則該法律實體。 你聲明並保證你至少年滿18歲,並且如果你代表公司或其他法律實體簽訂這些條款,則你有權約束此類法律實體。 如果你不符合這些要求或不同意這些條款或隱私政策,表示你不應該建立帳戶或使用此服務。



你理解,通過 MTT 服務提交丶發布丶展示丶執行或提供的所有信息丶圖像丶圖片丶數據丶文字丶照片丶圖形丶信息或其他所有材料“),無論是公開發佈還是私下發送,都受版權和其他知識產權保護。

你亦理解你將接觸到的內容,並可能從各種 MTT 戶購買產品,對於其他用戶的內容和購買產品時,需要你自己承擔風險。 MTT 不會預先篩選內容或產品,並且不負責檢查或評估通過 MTT 服務提供的任何內容或產品,包括但不限於其準確性丶實用性或安全性,或者確定提供內容或產品的一方是否出售已獲得所有必要的權利。 在不限制前述內容的情況下,儘管我們盡力提供可靠的數據,但我們不能保證網站上的內容完全準確並且是最新的。 請進一步理解並承認,你可能會接觸到令人反感丶不雅或令人反感的內容,並且我們可能無法確認其他註冊用戶的身份或阻止他們以虛假的方式或以侵犯版權的方式行事的任何人。 對於任何與第三方有關的任何活動,內容,產品,行為或違規行為,包括但不限於任何非法,誹謗,或其他侵權行為,你均可放棄任何法律或公平的權利或援助措施,攻擊性或未經授權的任何服務用戶的行為。




在你和MTT之間,你擁有所有內容並保留你的內容的所有權利。你特此授予 MTT及其附屬或合作機構所有全球性丶免版稅丶非獨占的丶可轉讓的許可,並享有再許可權,以任何的格式或媒體使用丶公開展示和執行丶發佈丶複製丶修改和分享或分發你的內容或以後用於宣傳你的作品丶內容丶製作和宣傳你的產品,並向你提供其他服務。



  • 你擁有你內容中的所有知識產權,或者你已獲得通過MTT服務提供你的內容所需的所有版權丶商標權丶宣傳權和其他權利,以製造丶分銷和銷售所有關於你的產品並授予MTT在這些條款中賦予它的權利;
  • 你的內容以及包含你的內容的產品的製造丶分銷和銷售也不會侵犯任何個人或實體的知識產權或其他權利,包括但不限於任何版權丶道德權利丶商標丶專利丶宣傳權或私隱權;
  • 你將審查並遵守MTT不時發佈的所有條款丶私隱政策丶所有網站規則丶政策和程序以及所有適用的法律丶規則和條例;
  • 你的內容不包含任何虛假丶不準確丶誤導丶不完整丶誹謗或淫穢丶色情丶不雅丶騷擾丶威脅丶有害丶侵犯私隱丶侵犯任何人的權利,包括其私隱權或公開權丶濫用丶煽動性的或其他令人反感的;
  • 你的內容必須準確無誤丶沒有誤導或欺騙性,也不會提供或傳播欺詐性商品,產品,服務,計劃或促銷活動。

MTT 保留權利預先篩選你的任何內容(但沒有義務這樣做),從網站審查和刪除你的內容丶暫停或取消你的帳戶,並在任何時候可以單獨取消提供給你的MTT服務自由裁定權。 MTT對知識產權侵權採取零容忍政策。 如果你提交的內容或要約出售的產品可自行決定認為可能侵犯另一方的知識產權,那麼MTT有權立即終止你的帳戶。





只要你遵守這些條款,MTT 在網站將授予你我們預期用途及有限的服務

在互相尊重的基礎上,希望大家認真地對待這一點。 在使用服務時,你須同意:

  • 提供並維護和更新你的賬戶信息,並隨時保持真實丶準確丶最新和完整;
  • 確保你使用MTT服務不違法或適用於你身處的地方沒有法律禁止;
  • 採取自己充足的預防措施,以確保你使用MTT服務和任何鏈接網站的過程不會使你受到病毒丶惡意計算機代碼或其他干擾可能會損害你自己的計算機系統的風險,我們均不會負上任何責任。


  • 將內容或產品發佈在不適當類別或區域中;
  • 未能為發佈的合作提供付款丶服務或產品,除非發生明確的印刷錯誤或你無法驗證收件人的身份;
  • 干擾另一個用戶的內容或產品;
  • 影響或操縱我們的收費結構丶結算流程或拖欠費用;
  • 採取可能破壞任何評級系統的任何行動;
  • 未經我們事先書面同意,將你的帳戶和用戶身份證明轉讓給另一方;
  • 分發病毒或任何其他可能傷害我們或MTT任何用戶利益丶財產或技術;
  • 使用丶複製丶修改丶改編丶創作衍生作品丶發佈丶印刷丶傳播丶分發丶執行丶展示丶出售丶許可丶重改品牌或以其他方式轉移(i)通過以下方式提供的MTT服務或內容的任何部分:未經所有者明確的書面許可,不得使用你自己的內容以外的MTT服務; 或(ii)任何MTT版權或商標;
  • 移除MTT服務中包含的任何版權丶商標或其他所有權聲明或除你自己以外的任何內容;


  • 冒充任何人或實體丶或虛假陳述或以其他方式歪曲你與某人或實體的聯繫/關聯;
  • 以框架丶鏡像或以其他任何方式模擬MTT服務或任何其他人的內容或偽造標題丶圖像或以其他方式操縱標識符號的外觀或功能,以掩飾通過服務傳輸的任何內容的來源;
  • 上傳丶發佈丶發送電子郵件丶傳輸或以其他方式提供你無權根據任何法律或合同或信託關係提供的任何內容(例如內部信息或其他作為就業一部分而獲知或披露的專有和機密信息關係或根據保密協議);
  • 通過MTT服務上傳丶發佈丶發送電子郵件丶傳送或以其他方式提供任何未經請求或未經授權的廣告丶宣傳材料丶“垃圾郵件”或任何其他形式的招攬;
  • 通過MTT服務上傳丶發佈丶發送電子郵件丶傳輸或以其他方式提供任何包含廣告軟件丶惡意軟件丶間諜軟件丶軟件病毒或任何其他在中斷丶破壞或限制任何計算機軟件功能的計算機代碼丶文件丶程序的材料丶硬件或電信設備;
  • 騷擾或傷害他人。

該網站由MTT從其在香港的設施控制和提供,與MTT服務有關的數據在香港託管。 如果你從其他司法管轄區訪問或使用MTT服務,則需自擔風險或注意是否犯法。 我們並不確定適合任何國家或地方均適用我們的服務。 你有責任了解並遵守你的司法管轄區的法律。 如果該地方法律與你使用MTT服務互相衝突,我們則不允許使用我們的服務。


為了通過MTT服務提供內容或產品,無論是否出售,你都必須開設一個MTT戶。 並在開設帳戶時,由於部分資料均不能隨時修改,所以你必須提供準確丶完整和更新的註冊信息。你不得選擇粗俗丶冒犯丶淫穢或試圖模仿他人的用戶名。 未經該用戶許可,你不得使用他人的帳戶。 你必須負責通過你的帳戶進行所有活動,並確保你的帳戶密碼安全。你亦必須同意如有更改,任何違反安全或未經授權使用你的帳戶,必須立即通知MTT。儘管我們不會因你未經授權使用你的帳戶而導致的損失承擔責任,但你可能需要承擔由於此類未經授權使用而造成他人的損失。如果我們認為你的密碼不再安全,我們保留要求你更改密碼的權利。MTT 保留拒絕為你提供帳戶或自行決定取消帳戶的權利。


你承認並同意,如果法律要求或者善意的訪問,MTT保留或披露對以下情況是合理及必要的,MTT保留並披露你的帳戶信息和你的所有內容:(i)遵守法律程序; ii)執行這些條款; iii)回應你對客戶服務的要求; 或(iv)保護MTT及其用戶或公眾的權利,財產或人身安全。


當你銷售產品或使用我們收取費用的MTT服務的時候,你將被收取當時適用的費用,我們可能會不時自行決定更改該費用。我們也可以選擇暫時更改整個網站或部分產品的出售, 以配合我們的促銷活動或新服務的費用。在我們通過下面的通知條款規定的程序向你提供至少十四天的通知後,我們收費的變更便隨即生效。有關我們目前的費用結構和付款條款的信息,請參閱網站上提供的信息,並在你的身份通過驗證後通過你的帳戶頁面登入。








你承認通過MTT服務與另一方達成的任何協議,僅限於你與該等方之間,而不是MTT 。如果你與另一方有爭議,你特此向我們(以及我們的高級職員,董事,代理人,子公司,合資企業和員工)發佈任何種類的索償丶責任丶要求和損害(實際和結果性)性質丶已知或未知,由此類爭議引起或以任何方式引起。 你們同意MTT無法控制並且不保證交付廣告合作衍生的任何後果或賠償,並且MTT將免於因未能獲得預期合作的任何好處而導致的任何和所有損害。


如果你使用我們的任何商標參考我們的產品或服務,你必須包含一份聲明,將該商標歸於我們,並且必須遵守我們有關使用我們商標的準則。你不得將我們的任何商標用於或作為你自己的商標使用(全部或部分);或涉及與我們不同的活動丶產品或服務; 或可能混淆丶誤導或欺騙的方式; 或以詆毀我們或我們的信息,產品或服務。

















(a)賠償給我們(以及我們的高級職員,董事,代理人,子公司,合資企業和員工)任何有關所有索償丶要求丶責任丶損害丶損失丶罰款和費用(包括但不限於,合理的律師費以及其他專業費用和調查費用),可能與你的內容或使用MTT 服務(包括但不限於你銷售的任何產品)有關: (b)你(或任何使用你帳戶的人)違反這些條款; 或(c)你違反任何法律或任何第三方的權利,包括但不限於任何知識產權或私隱權。未經我們明確的事先書面同意,你不得以任何對社會有約束力的方式解決任何索償。在解決補償申請的任何索償之前,MTT可以扣留任何欠你的款項或將這些款項用於解決此類索賠。








Terms of Conditions


MAKE T-SHIRT TOGETHER (“MTT” or “We”) authorises world artists to earn money from their artwork by making it immediately available for sale as a variety of products - without giving up control of their rights.

Artists must understand the importance of representing one's work with quality and respect, and we also believe it is essential that all MTT users respect the copyright and other intellectual property rights of others beforehand. Whether an artist, a customer, or even if you're just browsing, please respect the intellectual property rights of all the works you see or buy on MTT. Please be aware that when you publish your work on to MTT, it will be publicly available for the world to view, or buy as a product. It is your responsibility to violating anyone’s tights or breaking any laws by publishing or offering you work for sale through MTT. MTT provides services which enable you to publish, sell, comment on, promote, and purchase artwork and art-related products (collectively, "Products") through maketshirttogether.com (the "Site"); interact with other MTT users; and receive the benefits of MTT's Product production services, including payment processing, transaction handling, product manufacturing, packaging, order fulfilment and customer support.

Please read these terms of service (the "Terms") and MTT's Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") carefully. Before you may post content or use or sell Products through the MTT Services, you must agree to the Terms and the Privacy Policy. These Terms and the Privacy Policy are a legal agreement between you and MTT. Creating a MTT account or purchasing products through the MTT services indicates that you agree to all of the terms and policies and procedures relating to the MTT services, including the site that MTT may publish from time to time.

"You" means you individually, and if you are accepting these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, that legal entity. You represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and, if you are entering into these Terms on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you have the authority to bind such legal entity. If you do not meet these requirements or do not agree to these terms or the privacy policy, you may not create an account or use the MTT services.




You understand that all information, images, pictures, data, text, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, or other materials submitted, posted, published, displayed, performed, or offered for sale through the MTT Services ("Content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights.

You understand that you will be exposed to Content and may purchase Products from a variety of MTT users and that you rely on the Content and purchase Products at your own risk. MTT does not pre-screen Content or Products and is not responsible for examining or evaluating any Content or Products offered through the MTT Services, including without limitation, their accuracy, usefulness, or safety, or for determining whether the party offering the Content or Products for sale has obtained all required rights to do so. Without limitation of the foregoing, while we try to offer reliable data, we cannot promise that the Content on the Site will always be accurate and up-to-date. You further understand and acknowledge that you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable and that we may not be able to confirm the identity of other registered users or prevent them from acting under false pretences or in a manner that infringes the rights of any person. You hereby waive any legal or equitable rights or remedies you have or may have against MTT with respect to any activities, content, products, actions or inactions of any third party in connection with the MTT services, including without limitation, any illegal, defamatory, offensive, or unauthorised conduct by any of the MTT services’ users.



As between you and MTT, you own all and retain all rights in your Content. You hereby grant MTT and its affiliates a worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive, assignable license, with right of sublicense, to use, publicly display and publicly perform, publish, reproduce, modify, and distribute your Content in any format or medium now known or later developed for the purpose of promoting your Content, producing and promoting your Products, and providing the other MTT Services to you.

You, and not MTT, are entirely responsible for all your content that you make available and all products you offer for sale through the MTT services, including without limitation, that you own or have obtained all required intellectual property and other rights in your content, including without limitation, that you own or have obtained all required intellectual property and other rights in your content, including without limitation, the right to manufacture, distribute and sell products that include your content.

You represent and warrant that:

You own all intellectual property rights in your Content or that you have obtained all copyrights, trademark rights, rights of publicity and other rights required for you to make your Content available through the MTT Services, to manufacture, distribute and sell Products that include your Content and to grant MTT the rights granted to it in these Terms;

Your Content and the manufacture, distribution and sale of Products that include your Content does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights or other rights of any person or entity, including without limitation any copyright, moral rights, trademark, patent, right of publicity or right of privacy;

You will review and comply with these Terms, the Privacy Policy, all other rules, policies and procedures that MTT may publish from time to time and all applicable laws, rules and regulations;

Your Content does not contain material that is false, inaccurate, misleading, incomplete, defamatory or libellous obscene, pornographic, indecent, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy, in violation of anyone’s rights, including their privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable;

Your Content is accurate, is not misleading or deceptive and does not offer or disseminate fraudulent goods, products, services, schemes, or promotions.

MTT reserves the right to pre-screen your Content (but has no obligation to do so), to review and remove your Content from the Site, to suspend or cancel your account, and to cancel the MTT Services provided to you at any time in its sole discretion. MTT has a zero tolerance policy for intellectual property infringement. If you submit Content or offer Products for sale that MTT, in its sole discretion, believes may infringe another party’s intellectual property rights, MTT may immediately terminate your account, in addition to any other remedies it may have.


Procedure to Supply a Counter-Notice to the Designated Agent

If you, as the MTT user, believe that the Content or Product that was removed or to which access was disabled or for which orders were cancelled is not infringing, or if you believe you have obtained all required rights from their owners, the owners’ agent, or pursuant to the law, please contact us directly.


So long as you comply with these Terms, MTT will grant you our intended use and limited services on the website on the basis of respect for others, and we take this very, very seriously. 

While using the Services you agree to:

  1. provide and maintain and update your account information and to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete at all times;
  2. ensure that your access to the MTT Services is not illegal or prohibited by laws that apply to you;
  3. take your own precautions to ensure that the process that you employ for accessing the MTT Services and any Linked Website (defined below) does not expose you to the risk of viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference which may damage your own computer system.

You agree that you shall not, and shall not instruct, permit, allow or induce any person, directly or indirectly:

  1. post Content or Products in an inappropriate category or areas of the MTT Services;
  2. fail to deliver payment, services or Product for collaborations posted by you unless a clear typographical error is made or you cannot authenticate the recipient's identity;
  3. interfere with another user's Content or Products;
  4. circumvent or manipulate our fee structure, the billing process, or fees owed to MTT;
  5. take any action that may undermine any ratings system that MTT may use;
  6. transfer your MTT account and user identification to another party without our prior written consent;
  7. distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm MTT or the interests or property of MTT users;
  8. use, reproduce, copy, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, publish, print, transmit, distribute, perform, display, sell, license, rebrand, or otherwise transfer (i) any portion of the MTT Services or Content made available through the MTT Services other than your own Content, without the owner’s express written permission; or (ii) any MTT copyrights or trademarks;
  9. remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on the MTT Services or any Content other than your own Content;
  10. harvest or otherwise collect information about other users of the MTT Services, including email addresses, without their consent;
  11. frame, mirror, or otherwise simulate the appearance or function of the MTT Services or any other person’s Content or forge headers, icons or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Content transmitted through the Services;
  12. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information or other proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);
  13. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available through the MTT Services any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation;
  14. upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available through the MTT Services any material that contains adware, malware, spyware , software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment; or
  15. "stalk" or harass or harm another person.


The Site is controlled and offered by MTT from its facilities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region People's Republic of China

and data related to the MTT Services is hosted in the Hong Kong. If you access or use the MTT Services from other jurisdictions, you do so at your own risk. MTT makes no representations that the MTT Services are appropriate or available for use in other locations. You are responsible for knowing and complying with the laws of your jurisdiction. If such laws conflict with your use of the MTT Services, you are not permitted to use them.



In order to make available Content or Products through the MTT Services, whether for sale or not, you must create a MTT account. When creating a user account, you must provide accurate, complete and updated registration information. You may not select a user name that is vulgar, offensive, obscene or attempts to impersonate another person. You may never use another person's MTT account without permission from that user. You are solely responsible for all the activity that occurs through your account, including the activities of others and regardless of whether such activities are authorised, and for keeping your account password secure. You agree to notify MTT immediately of any breach of security or unauthorised use of your account. Although MTT will not be liable for your losses caused by any unauthorised use of your account, you may be liable for the losses of MTT or others due to such unauthorised use. We reserve the right to require you to alter your password if we believe your password is no longer secure. MTT reserves the right to refuse to provide you with an account or cancel your account in its sole discretion.


You acknowledge and agree that MTT may access, retain and disclose your account information and your Content if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access, retention or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with legal process; (ii) enforce these Terms; (iii) respond to your requests for customer service; (iv) protect the rights, property or personal safety of MTT, its users or the public.



When you sell a Product, or use one of the MTT Services for which we charge a fee, you will be charged the then-current applicable fee, which we may change in our sole discretion from time to time. We may also choose to temporarily change the fees for MTT Services for promotional events or new services. Changes to our fees are effective after we provide you with at least fourteen (14) days' notice using the process set forth in the Notice provisions below. For information about our current fee structure and payment terms, please refer to the information available on the Site and made available through your account page once your identity has been verified.

Unless otherwise stated, all fees are quoted in H.K. Dollars. You are responsible for paying all fees and applicable taxes, including any sales taxes, associated with your use of the MTT Services and sale of Products.



MTT services are provided “As Is”, “As Available”, and with all faults. We cannot guarantee continuous or secure access to or that the MTT services will be error free or that all transactions will be completed, the operation of the MTT services may be interfered with by numerous factors outside of our control. Accordingly, to the extent legally permitted, we disclaim all express and implied warranties, terms and conditions, including, but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, quality of information, quiet enjoyment, non infringement, title, or fitness for a particular purpose. You assume all risks associated with your use of the MTT services.

We are not and shall not be liable for direct, indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever, including, but not limited to, any loss of money or profits, goodwill, data, content or reputation, or any property damage or personal injury without regard to the form of action (including, but not limited to, contract, negligence, or other tortious actions) arising out of or in connection with your use of the MTT services, even if we have even advised of the possibility of those damages. You waive any and all claims, now know or later discovered, that you may have against us arising out of your use of the MTT services.


Regardless of the previous paragraph, the most current updated terms are to be comply.


Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you. In such jurisdictions, the scope and duration of out warranties and the extent of our liability will be the minimum permitted under such applicable law.



You acknowledge that any agreement you make with another party through the MTT Services is strictly between you and such party and MTT is not a party to that agreement. If you have a dispute with another such party, you hereby release us (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) from any and all claims, liabilities, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known or unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such dispute. You agree that MTT has no control over and does not guarantee the delivery of the advertised collaborations and that MTT shall be released from any and all damages resulting from the failure to receive any benefits of an anticipated collaboration.



If you use any of our trademarks in reference to our products or services, you must include a statement attributing that trademark to us and must comply with our guidelines regarding the use of our trademarks. You must not use any of our trademarks in or as the whole or part of your own trademarks; in connection with activities, products or services which are not ours; in a manner which may be confusing, misleading or deceptive; or in a manner that disparages us or our information, products or services.



The MTT Services may contain links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by us. Those links are provided only for reasons such as promotion, exposure, promotion, etc. and may not remain current or be maintained. We do not screen Linked Websites and are not responsible for the content, security, operation, or use of any Linked Websites or the products or services that may be offered or obtained through them. Further, We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices associated with Linked Websites and it is your responsibility to review those policies before accessing those sites. If you access a Linked Website, you do so at your own risk.

Our links with Linked Websites should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by us of the owners or operators of those linked websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on those linked websites, unless and to the extent we may explicitly stipulate to the contrary on the MTT Services. You expressly relieve us from any and all loss, damages or other liabilities you incur as a result of your use of any Linked Website.


Much of the information available through the MTT Services is updated on a real-time basis and is proprietary or is licensed to MTT by our users or third parties. All intellectual property rights in the MTT Services (including without limitation, the software and systems underlying the MTT Service, and all text, graphics, logos, icons, sound recordings and software) are owned by or licensed to us and we reserve all rights in them. You agree that you will not use any robot or other automated means to access the MTT Services for any purpose.


We use your information only as described in the Privacy Policy. We view protection of users' privacy as very important. You can access and modify the information you provide us and choose not to receive certain communications by signing-in to your account and changing your account preferences or opting-out of certain communications. If you object to your information being transferred or used in the manner provided for in the Privacy Policy your sole recourse is to stop using the MTT Services.


MTT may suspend or terminate your access to all or any part of the MTT Services or your account at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. Without limitation of the foregoing, MTT may terminate your access to the MTT Services if you are determined to be, in MTT's sole discretion, a repeat infringer of these Terms. MTT may, but shall not be obligated to, give you one warning if you have violated these Terms prior to terminating your account.

You may terminate these Terms at any time by terminating your use of the MTT Services.

On termination of these Terms for any reason, the rights and licenses granted to you hereunder will immediately terminate and the provisions of these Terms that by their nature and context are intended to survive termination shall survive, including, without limitation, the following provisions: Content, Copyright & Intellectual Property Policies, Account Information, Disclaimer of Warranties and Liability, Release, Linked Websites, Access and Interference, Privacy, Indemnity, No Agency, Ability to Accept Terms, Notices, Resolution of Disputes, and General. Society6 shall have no liability to you for any damages, loss of profits or other claims arising from the termination or suspension of your access to the MTT Services or your account.

Without limitation of the foregoing, MTT shall have the right to retain copies of your Content in its archives for its internal business purposes and legal purposes.


MTT reserves the right to monitor, modify or discontinue the MTT Services, and to block, modify, publicly comment on, or delete any Content submitted to the MTT Services by any party, at any time without notice in its sole discretion; provided however, that MTT has no obligation to update, store, maintain or correct any information or Content on the MTT Services.

MTT reserves the right, at any time and in its sole discretion, to change these Terms, including the Privacy Policy, in whole or in part, by notifying you as described in the Notice provisions below. You are responsible for reviewing and complying with these Terms, including the Privacy Policy, in effect at the time you use the MTT Services. You acknowledge that you will be bound by the revised Terms, including the Privacy Policy, as of their effective date set forth therein and your continued use of the MTT Services constitutes acceptance of them.


(a) You will indemnify and hold us (and our officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, fines, and expenses (including but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and other professional fees and costs of investigation), arising from or in any way related to your Content or your use of the MTT Services, including without limitation, your sale of any Products; (b) your (or anyone using your account’s) breach of these Terms; or (c) your violation of any law or the rights of any third party, including without limitation, any intellectual property rights or privacy rights. You may not settle any claim in any manner that binds Society6 without our express prior written consent. MTT may withhold any amounts due to you pending the resolution of any claim subject to this indemnity and may apply such amounts to the resolution of such claim.


MTT shall provide you with notices about changes to the MTT Services or these Terms, including the Privacy Policy, by posting them on the Site or by sending an email to the email address you provide to MTT during the registration process. Legal notices shall also be provided to you at such email address. Email notices shall be deemed given 24 hours after the email is sent, unless the sending party is notified that the email address is invalid.


We may assign these Terms and our rights and obligations under them upon notice to you in accordance with the Notices Section. Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. Our failure or delay to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms or any rights under applicable law shall not constitute a waiver of any of those provisions or rights.


These Terms may not be otherwise amended except in a writing signed by you and MTT. These Terms, including without limitation, the Privacy Policy which is incorporated herein by reference, set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and MTT with respect to the subject matter hereof.


Terms may appear and be repeated in details over and over again, and may have stress the importance of some terms. Please take it seriously and consider it for the stability of our website, and help create a better, long lasting and respectful industry.